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My work explores the elements of fashion photography and the creative industry. I am optimistic with the work I create.

My work is highly inspired by the ‘indie’ and outdoors scenery, and photographers such as David Bailey and Cindy Sherman. I have studied the arts and photography for the most of my teenage years, now being an adult, I would like to take my skills to a professional level.

I have always been fascinated with the creative industries; I am now devoted to make this my career path. The past two years of my studies, I have started my degree in photography in order to become a skilful and qualified photographer. In the future I hope to attract clients with my creativity and professional practice.

My current work covers fashion photography in urban environments. I am also experimenting with the elements of digital art and collaborating these with my own photography work. I often take photographs and edit them with a digital art software, this gives my work a recognisable style. Colour is something that I embrace in my work, it gives the image a deeper meaning and evokes the feelings and the imagination of the viewer.

My photography and digital art are simply the world from my perspective, this is how I see my surroundings and society overall.